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Excellent Practice29
Improvement Could be Made4
Critical Issues to Attend15
May 1, 2024 06:59 PM

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Recommended Actions

  • Use more straight forward terms, avoid using too much jargon in the page content.
  • Create and add a robots.txt for your site.
  • Create a XML sitemap for your site.
  • Move the 61 inline css components to an external style sheet file.
  • Reduce number of links to other pages.
  • Add more authoritative back-links for your site.
  • Add more authoritative back-links for your site.
  • Increase the traffic of your site.
  • Host the site closer to the geo location where most of your site visitors come from.
  • Implement HTTP compression for your site.
  • ...     22
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Detailed Reviews

Related Category
Most related categories of this website.

art   comics   inspiration   media   nutrition   podcast   smartphones   social  

Title Innovación, Tecno, Ciencia, Cultura, Salud

Words count: 7    Unique Words: 7    Length: 63 characters
[ To optimize the page title, Use this SEO Title Optimizer ]

Excellent! the title contains 1-12 words, and within 10-70 characters!

The title will be displayed in search engine results in the form of a direct link to the site.

1. ideally, the title should contain 10 to 70 characters, including spaces. (Google displays up to 70 characters in the title, and takes into account only the first 12 words.)
2. put the most important and relevant keywords in the title, try not to repeat any word.
3. each individual page should have a unique title.
Muy Interesante: ciencia, naturaleza, tecnología, innovación, salud, historia, curiosidades, preguntas y respuestas. La ciencia amena y divertida.

Words count: 19    Length: 148 characters
[ To optimize the page description, Use this SEO Meta Description Optimizer ]

Excellent! Your meta description contains between 70 and 160 characters.

Meta Descriptions provide concise explanations of the contents of web pages, that are commonly used by search engines on search result pages to display preview snippets for a given page.

1. it is best to keep meta descriptions between 70-160 characters.
2. a readable, compelling description using important keywords can draw a much higher click-through rate of searchers to the given web page.
3. avoid keyword stuffing, ensure each page has its own unique description.
Google SERP Preview Innovación, Tecno, Ciencia, ...
Muy Interesante: ciencia, naturaleza, tecnología, innovación, salud, historia, curiosidades, preguntas y respuestas. La ciencia amena y divertida.

[ To optimize this Google SERP preview, Use this Google SERP Optimizer ]

This is how your site looks like in Google Search Result Page.

an optimized SERP snippet will have a higher click through rate.

1. make sure the title is clear, simple, straight to the point.
2. make sure the description is relevant and properly summarized the page content.
Keywords Innovación, Tecno, Ciencia, Cultura, Salud

Words count: 7    Length: 63 characters    keyword phrases count : 5

The keywords is too short!
[ To optimize the meta keywords, Use this SEO Meta Keywords Optimizer ]

Keyword Occurrences in Different Sections
Wordkeyword domain title descriptionheadingcontent
1 word:80% (4/5)
tecno 0   (0%)
ciencia 0   (0%)
cultura 0   (0%)
salud 0   (0%)
3 words:20% (1/5) innovación 0   (0%)

Meta keywords should not be ignored, though they are not a major ranking factor for most of search engines nowadays. A Meta keywords tag is supposed to be a brief and concise list of the most important themes of your page

1. keep your list of keywords or keyword phrases down to 10 - 20 unique words or phrases.
2. separate the words or phrases using a comma (you do not need to leave a space between words separated by commas).
3. do not repeat words or phrases.
4. put your most important word or phrases at the beginning of your list.
Keywords Cloud
This keywords cloud gives your an idea of what are those important keywords appears in your website.

aacute  abrir  aguilar  bay  ciencia  curiosidades  eacute  espa  eugenio  evoluci  fern  filosof  fran  galileo  grande  historia  iacute  innovaci  iquest  juan  leningrado  lvaro  mart  miguel  naturaleza  navarro  ndez  ngel  ntilde  oacute  pablo  recomendamos  romero  sabadell  salud  sarah  tierra  uacute  vida  yaman 

Top 20 Keywords
Total Terms Count: 1,703

It is nice! the word density is quite ok.

Top 20 terms occurance and density
KeywordIn DomainIn TitleIn DescriptionIn Heading In Body Density
oacute 120 7.05%
aacute 82 4.82%
iacute 64 3.76%
lvaro 30 1.76%
bay 30 1.76%
ntilde 29 1.70%
eacute 27 1.59%
iquest 19 1.12%
espa 14 0.82%
historia 12 0.70%
sarah 11 0.65%
romero 11 0.65%
navarro 11 0.65%
ciencia 10 0.59%
leningrado 10 0.59%
galileo 10 0.59%
uacute 9 0.53%
fran 8 0.47%
ndez 8 0.47%
abrir 7 0.41%

keyword density can be used as a factor in determining whether a web page is relevant to a specified keyword or keyword phrase.

1. the optimum keyword density to be 1.0% - 3.0%. Using a keyword more than that could be considered search spam.
2. overuse of keywords, a practice called keyword stuffing, will cause a web page to be penalized.

Excellent! The page is using HTML headings (<H1> - <H6>) and inline emphasis tags (<EM><B><I><EM><STRONG>)


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<B> (1)Por qué hay un cocodrilo en la catedral de Sevilla y otras curiosidades sobre el templo gótico más grande del mundo
<U> (1)Por qué hay un cocodrilo en la catedral de Sevilla y otras curiosidades sobre el templo gótico más grande del mundo
<STRONG> (124)Sarah Romero
Sarah Romero
Alvaro Rodriguez
Sarah Romero
Alvaro Rodriguez
José Manuel González Torres
Sarah Romero
Sarah Romero
Paula Díaz Castilla
José Manuel González Torres
Sarah Romero
Eduardo Castañeda
José Manuel González Torres
Fran Navarro
Rubén Pérez Trujillano
Fran Navarro
Leopoldo Santiago Díez Cano
Mikel Navarro
Alberto de Frutos
Juan Castroviejo
Fernando Martínez Laínez
Juan Castroviejo
Fran Navarro
Ester García Moscardó
Juan Pablo Calero
Sarah Romero
Sarah Romero
Estrella María Oneto Fernández
Álvaro Bayón
Alejandro Polanco
Álvaro Bayón
Eugenio M. Fernández Aguilar
Álvaro Bayón
Eugenio M. Fernández Aguilar
Avelino Vicente
Sergio Parra
Álvaro Bayón
Eugenio M. Fernández Aguilar
Álvaro Bayón
Sarah Romero
Eugenio M. Fernández Aguilar
Álvaro Bayón
Pablo Mora
Antonio Pérez Verde
Álvaro Bayón
Pablo Mora
Antonio Pérez Verde
Álvaro Bayón
Pablo Rodríguez Sánchez
Álvaro Bayón
Alejandro Navarro Yáñez
Álvaro Bayón
Paco Bellido
Álvaro Bayón
Pablo Mora
Jorge Fuentes Fernández
Álvaro Bayón
Eduardo Castañeda
Fran Navarro
Rubén Pérez Trujillano
Fran Navarro
Leopoldo Santiago Díez Cano
Mikel Navarro
Alberto de Frutos
Juan Castroviejo
Fernando Martínez Laínez
Juan Castroviejo
Fran Navarro
Ester García Moscardó
Juan Pablo Calero
Fran Navarro
David Gardner
Fran Navarro
Rodrigo Menchón
Pere Cardona
Pilar Úcar Ventura
Luna G. Alijarcio
José Luis Hernández Garvi
María Martín Gómez
Sarah Romero
Elena Sanz
Álvaro Bayón
Mario García Bartual
Álvaro Bayón
Miguel Ángel Sabadell
Álvaro Bayón
Miguel Ángel Sabadell
Álvaro Bayón
Miguel Ángel Sabadell
Álvaro Bayón
Álvaro Bayón
Miguel Ángel Sabadell
Álvaro Bayón
Mario García Bartual
Álvaro Bayón
Miguel Pita
Álvaro Bayón
Miguel Ángel Sabadell
Álvaro Bayón
Ricard Solé
Álvaro Bayón

HTML headings and emphasis tags are the most basic forms to indicate important content.

1. use your keywords in the headings and make sure the first level heading (<H1>) includes the most important keywords.
2. never duplicate the title tag content in the heading tags.
3. for more effective SEO, use only one <H1> tag per page
Reading Level

The page text content is a bit too difficult to be read and understood!

Ensure your page content text can be read and understood by most of your site visitors. not too difficult nor too simple.

1. a score below 30, indicates the text content is too difficult to be read and understood.
2. a sore above 80, may suggest that the site is lack of in-depth and expertise of its topics (low quality content).
3. an optimal reading level score shall be 50-70.
es Excellent! the website declared its language in use.

the detected language is : es

Declare the language in use can help search engine to better understand and rendering your page, especially when special characters are encountered.
Page Encoding
utf-8 Excellent! the website declared its character encoding.

Declare the character encoding can help search engine to better rendering your page, especially when it comes to
non-asii characters.
Excellent! the website has a shortcut favicon image.

RSS Excellent! the website has a RSS (Really Simple Syndication) Feed for quick publishing.

Robots.txt is not presented for the site.

Robots.txt file can be used to regulate access of search engine crawlers, properly configured robots.txt file can help
crawlers to better understand your website.

1. grand robots access to those pages you wish them to crawl.
2. restrict access to those pages you do not wish search engines to see and crawl.
XML Sitemap
XML Sitemap is not presented for the site.
[ To generate XML sitemap, Use this XML Sitemap Generator ]

Sitemap helps search engine crawler to identify your website pages.

1. ensure all your important pages are listed in the sitemap.
2. ensure to indicate the frequency of change and importance of each url.
3. inform search engines of the location/URL of your sitemap (eg, For Google, you can set the website sitemap location through Google Webmaster management panel).
Loading Time
0.54 seconds - 94.99 Kb/s

Excellent! the site is pretty fast and it takes less than 1 second to load.

Estimated loading time for different internet connections
Optical Fibre
7.33 s 0.06 s 0.05 s 0.01 s 4.10 ms

Site speed is becoming an crucial ranking factor. Slow page loading is one of the biggest complains of web users. If the loading time is too long, you may need to check your server, network, or system codes and structure.

1. ideal loading time is less than 1 seconds, if it take more than 5 seconds to load your site, likely users will run out of patience, so do search engines.
2. improve your SEO by optimizing your website to have a small size and faster responding server.
Total Size
51 Kb (51,297 bytes)

Excellent! the page size is just nice, that is within 30K-150K!

Page size affects the speed of your website.

1. try to keep you page size between 30K-150K
2. put javascript and style sheet in separate files, and link them to the main page.
3. use optimized images for web and set up your server with gzip for downloading
Text To Code Ratio
Total Size Text Size HTML Code Size Text/HTML Code Ratio
51 Kb (51,297 bytes) 14 Kb (14,106 bytes) 37 Kb (37,191 bytes) 37.93 %

Excellent! the text to html code ratio is just nice, that is within 15%-70%!

the ratio of text to HTML code should always be above 15% for good SEO gain,
it is below 15% then that means that your website probably needs more text content.

1. a ratio between 25% and 70% is ideal, when it goes beyond than that, the page might run the risk of being considered as spam. As long as the content is relevant and gives essential information, it is a plus point to have more of it.
2. improve your SEO by adding more relevant text to your pages and also increasing your keyword density.
Excellent! No flash component is detected on this page.

Flash content can not be properly indexed by search engines, and normally flash file is large in size, which slow down the loading of your page.

1. avoid flash content whenever possible if you wish to have a fast and SEO friendly website.
Excellent! No frame is detected on this page.

Framesets and individual frames could cause problem for search engine to crawl your pages

1. avoid frames whenever possible.
2. search engines do not like frames.
3. use iframe instead if you really have no choice.
Inline CSS
61 Inline CSS components are detected on this page.

It is a good practice to move inline CSS rules into an external CSS file in order to make your page lighter and increasing the text to code ratio.

1. move inline css rules to external css file.
2. separate style from html.
Nested Table
Excellent! No nested table is detected on this page (nested table : 0, total table : 0)

nested tables could slow down page rendering and lead to bad user experience.

1. avoiding <table> for your page layout.
2. using <div> instead of <table>.
Plain Text Email
Excellent! No Plain Text Email is detected on this page.

Redirect Count
1 redirection was detected for loading this page.

Excellent! HTTPS is used for your page.

WWW Resolve
Excellent! the websites and are resolved to the same url :

Search Engines treat URLs with or without "www" as two different records.

1. edit your .htaccess file and permanently redirect one to the other (eg redirect to
URL Rewrite
Excellent! your urls are clean.

clean, short and relevant URLs are favoured by users and search engines

1. use url rewrite to turn dynamic pages with query parameters into seo friendly static pages.
2. put your important keywords in the url.
3. good urls are not only user friendly but also seo friendly.
Underscore In URL
Excellent! your do not use underscore in your URLs.

Search Engines treat hyphen as word separator, they do not treat underscore as word separator.

1. use hyphen "-" instead of underscore "_" to optimize your page url.
2. help search engines to better understand your url, eventually will benefit your page`s ranking.
Internal Links
(link to pages within this domain)
External Links
(link to pages on other websites)
162 49 211

Too many links (211), it may be considered as spam!

Internal Links (link to pages within this domain) - 162
URL Anchor Textóbal Colón República hispanoía para cruzar la carretera de Mileto Interesanteía AMBIENTEónÓN HUMANAía qué hay un cocodrilo en la...¿Cuál es el parque natural más... estrellas también estornud... móviles en oferta que no... organismo puede sobrevivi... comienza fuerte el mes ... elegante y ecosostenible 's...¿Qué son las extrañas 'arañas'... cueva más profunda de Españ... claves para alimentar adecua... nuevo Cupra León actualiza ...án: descubren al mayor... y López Domínguez: d... da un paso de gigante co... español que habló de la sel... cantonalismo andaluz: entre... escultura de bronce más gra... Cantón de Salamanca: un cap... olvido del drama de Leningr...¿Cómo y cuándo se liberó del a... frente del Vóljov, el camin... pueblo español excavado en ... Barcia en el Cantón de C... Cantón de Cádiz: revuelta y... organismo puede sobrevivi... cueva más profunda de Españ... Galilei: esta fue la i...Álvaro Bayón la mente del genio: estos...Álvaro Bayón y el atomismo: ¿cómo c...Álvaro Bayónón a la Física Cuánt...ómo las ondas y las matrices ... manchas solares: tras las ...Álvaro Bayón túnel al centro de la Tierr...Álvaro Bayónónomas famosas que hiciero... Arquímedes a Galileo: el en...Álvaro Bayón diseñan un gorr... Galileo a Newton, así fue l...Álvaro Bayónómo conseguir que el trabajo ...¿Qué fue de la teoría geocéntr...Álvaro Bayón Galileo a Einstein, dos pes...Álvaro Bayón, un 'annus mirabilis' par...Álvaro Bayón las huellas de Galileo: e...Álvaro Bayón¿Qué hace realmente feliz a lo...¿Qué importancia tuvo descubri...Álvaro Bayón y López Domínguez: d... español que habló de la sel... cantonalismo andaluz: entre... escultura de bronce más gra... Cantón de Salamanca: un cap... olvido del drama de Leningr...¿Cómo y cuándo se liberó del a... frente del Vóljov, el camin... pueblo español excavado en ... Barcia en el Cantón de C... Cantón de Cádiz: revuelta y...

External Links (link to pages on other websites) - 49
URL Anchor Textíbeteía al díaón muy al díaíbeteía Yaman habla de la relación...{fill:#DE253A;} revelaciones de Can Yaman du... psicólogos explican la inf... y juguetes para bebés d... Padres e hijos Claire
https://www.miarevista.esMía Revista MEdiaítica de privacidad

reasonable number of links (below 100) per page will give a better user experience.

1. keep the number of links per page below 100.
2. having more than 100 links in a single page will lead to a bad user experience, and it possibly runs into the risk of been considered as spam.
3. search engines may not follow all the links if you have too many of them in a single page.
Total Images Alt Present Alt Missing
90 89 1

1 images do not have Alt values.

Image URL - 90
https://imagenes.muyinteresante...age_414_276/uploads/2024/04/23/66279df0afb31.jpeg¿Cuál es el parque natural más...
https://imagenes.muyinteresante...mage_414_276/uploads/2024/04/30/6630d9fd3f405.pngLas estrellas también estornud...
https://imagenes.muyinteresante...mage_414_276/uploads/2024/05/01/663257a012e46.pngCinco móviles Choice Day AliEx...
https://imagenes.muyinteresante...age_414_276/uploads/2024/04/30/6630dd15ad4ad.jpegEste organismo puede sobrevivi...
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https://imagenes.muyinteresante...isting_more/uploads/2024/04/30/6630b0450d5cd.jpegFotograma Enemigo a las puerta...
https://imagenes.muyinteresante...isting_more/uploads/2024/04/24/6628e6ae9c5c5.jpegDiorama Rompiendo el cerco de ...
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search engines cannot `see` images, proper Alt content will help them to better understand and index images.

1. always add alt attributes to images. Alt is mandatory for accessibility and for valid XHTML.
2. words used within an image`s Alt attribute should be its text equivalent and convey the same information.
3. use a human-readable caption and descriptive text around the image.
Style Block In Same Page Links to External Style Files Total
9 6 15

Too many (6) external style sheet files , it will slow down the downloading.

Links To External Stylesheet Files - 6
Stylesheet URL rel type,wght@0,400;0,700;1,400;1,700&display=swapstylesheet,wght@0,400;0,700;1,400;1,700&display=swapstylesheet,wght@0,400;0,700;1,400;1,700&display=swapstylesheet

Scripts Block In Same Page Links to External Script Files Total
17 4 21

Too many (4) external scripts files , it will slow down the downlaoding.

Links To External Script Files - 4
Script URL Type

put scripts together and link them from an external files rather then put them in the same file as the main page.

1. reduce the use of in-page scripts, put them in separate files and link them in.
2. reduce the number of external script files, it will help browser to make lesser number of http requests from the server.
3. optimize or compress the script files to have smaller size and faster loading.
Blog Or News Release
Link to Blog / News Release Page

Excellent! we have found blog linked to your site.

Having a blog is a great way to provide fresh content and retain users, search engines favour it too.

1. regularly update your blog and provide fresh and quality content.
2. relevant blogs of your website topics, generate more credits in the eyes of your visitors, as well as search engines.
DMOZ Listing

Your site is not listed in the DMOZ Open Directory. DMOZ Open Directory Project

Google Analytics
Analytics Service is not implemented for the site.

Social Media Integration
Excellent! your site is well integrated with social media networks.

Facebook Page
Twitter Account
Google+ PageNot Found


No Trustworthiness Score is calculated for the site.

0 - 19 20 - 39 40 - 59 60 - 79 80 - 100
Very Poor Poor Unsatisfactory Good Excellent

Users are concerned about the safety of their online transactions. Trustworthiness rating is based on real user ratings and that tells you how much other users trust this site, so do the serch engines. note: this trustworthiness score is provided by WOT (Web of Trust).

1. pay attention to the look and design of your site, many people look for visual cues when assessing a site`s credibility
2. make your site easy to use, sites that are easy to navigate are perceived as being more trustworthy.
3. make it easy for user to contact you, users will be more comfortable and feel more secured shall they need to get in touch with you.
Child Safe
0 No Child Safe Score is calculated for the site.

0 - 19 20 - 39 40 - 59 60 - 79 80 - 100
Very Poor Poor Unsatisfactory Good Excellent

Safe Browsing
Safe! the site is NOT currently listed as suspicious, most-likely it is clean from malware and phining code [ verify this by Google Safe Browsing ]

Ensure that your site is malware free and does not cause harm to users` computers.

1. do not put virus, malicious worms, adwares, trojans, spywares and suspicious phishing code in your server.
2. take suspicious behaviours seriously, have a regular check-up and monitor closely of your server`s log files.
3. if your site is black-listed by Google as suspicious, clean it up before requesting for a review.
Traffic Rank
2,748,442th most visited website in the world.
Your site is not among the most visited 1 million websites in the world.
Websites On Same Server
Excellent! You do have very few domains (5 -,,,, hosted on the same server as (ip :

Too many domains hosted on the same server is an indicator that you are not really serious about your website, and your site will have a higher chance to be surrounded by bad neighbours.

1. the fewer domains hosted on the same server/ip the better.
2. avoid shared hosting whenever possible, especially when there are already hundreds or thousands of sites are hosted on the same server.
3. dedicated ip or resources for your site not only do good to your site visitors but also favoured by search engines.
Server Location
your server (IP : is located at United States  
ensure your server is not located far away from most of your site visitors.
HTTP Compression

your website server does not support HTTP Compression.


your website server does not support Caching.

Server Signature
Excellent! the website server signature is off.

A secure and safe server is not only good for your site visitors but also good for search engines.

1. server software version information can be utilized by malicious visitors to attack your server.
2. by turning off the server signature, you actually have made your server a little bit more secure.
3. for Apache server - edit the apache2.conf or the .htaccess file to turn server signature off.
Domain Age
25 years, 143 days old ( 1st registered on : 1998-12-11 )

[ To check the detailed whois info, Use this Whois Lookup Tool ]

excellent, the domain age is old enough.

Domain Expires
0 years, 220 days from today ( expires on : 2024-12-09 )

[ To check the detailed whois info, Use this Whois Lookup Tool ]

domain is expiring in less than a year.

Domain Info ( 18 characters )

Domain Registrar : Entorno Digital, S.A.

[ To check the detailed whois info, Use this Whois Lookup Tool ]

Domain Created On Last Modified On Expires On
1998-12-11 2023-09-10 2024-12-09
25 years, 143 days old 0 years, 235 days ago 0 years, 220 days from today
25 years, 143 days old

Domain Name Servers used by
DNS Name IP Address

Domain is going to expire in less than a year time (0 years, 220 days from today), try to renew it for more than one year!

domain name choice and domain age are crucial for SEO.

1. keep the domain name short and relevant to the content, which will be easier to be remembered and related to.
2. older domain tends to be more trustworthy.
3. register a domain for more than 1 year, and search engine will think it is a serious business.


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